Monday 10 November 2014

Dogs, Goats and an 82 year old mother-in-law.

Every morning I get up, drink coffee and smoke Noir then quickly dress to take Socks (7 years old)

and Max (10 months old)

for their morning walk. We leave at 6am and usually get back in time for my 7am comedy dose on AXN t.v.

This morning I changed things up by going to visit MiMi and MoMo, my goats, who live in a field next to my Mother-in-law's house. Socks was really excited because she loves to roll in the goat pooh but Max wanted to chase MoMo. Round and round they went until MoMo landed a strategic head butt. That showed Max who was Boss or in this case, top goat:)

Keeping goats is not for the faint hearted but it is very rewarding and filled with hilarious antedotes for any dinner party. It also keeps my mother-in-law. Ikuko, busy and provides her with a companionship she doesn't experience with her dog, Santa, who always tries to dry hump your leg.